
本站首頁 關于我們 法律圖書館與法律信息研究會 法律信息研究 中外法律圖書館 法學文獻與檢索 政府信息公開 法律圖書館導航 法律法學網導航
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The United State’s Government Information Publishing and Cataloging

JD & MLS (華盛頓大學法學院圖書館)



  1. 立國之初:指定私人出版政府出版物及其寄存圖書館 

  2. 1860年:設立政府印刷局 

  3. 1930年代:出版發行《聯邦公報》和《聯邦行政法典》 

  4. 1940-1970年代:寄存制度普及發展和《信息自由法》施行 

  5. 1980年代后:進入電子時代 

  二. 政府印刷局〔Government Printing Office (GPO) 〕 

  1. 政府印刷局的主要任務 

  2. 政府印刷局的管理 

  3. 政府印刷局的職能 

  三. 聯邦寄存圖書館制度(Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)) 

  1. 聯邦寄存圖書館制度的基本使命 

  2. 聯邦寄存制度的三項基本原則 

  3. 聯邦寄存圖書館現況  

  4. 聯邦寄存圖書館的作用 

  5. 聯邦寄存圖書館指導委員會〔(Depository Library Council (DLC) 〕 


  1.政府出版物的書架編號系統(The SuDoc Call Number System) 

  2.政府出版物的編目標準(Cataloging Standards) 


  1. 政府文獻專業圖書館員 

  2. 政府文獻專業圖書館分會 


  1. 成立政府文獻研究分會 






  《美國獨立宣言》起草者之一,后來成為美國第三任總統的杰弗遜先生 (Thomas Jefferson) 曾說過“信息即民主的表述與傳播” (Information is the Currency of Democracy);诿绹_國先賢的這一立國理念,美國政府一直很重視政府信息的出版和傳播。美國建國二百多年來在科技、文化、藝術、農業、工業、商業的、及綜合國力高速發展并取得超級大國的地位,由此可見,信息的自由轉播起了很大的推動作用。政府信息在各種信息中站有很重要的地位。就如“美國國家圖書館信息科學委員會 (The National Commission on Libraries and Information Science)”,在其2001年的一個有關《公眾信息準入綜合調查報告》(A COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION DISSEMINATION)中指出:公眾信息資源能夠轉化成為國家的戰略資源,所以保證公眾信息的出版和轉播是確保民富國強的重要手段!

  什么是政府出版物? 根據 《美國法典》44部19章1901節的定義(U.S. Code Title 44, Ch. 19, Sec. 1901),政府出版物是“政府出資出版或法律規定由政府出版的信息”(Informational matter which is published as an individual document at government expense, or as required by law)。在種類上包括: 法律、報告、文件、地圖等;在形式包括: 印刷品、微縮、電子出版物、互聯網等。美國是世界上第一個嚴格實行立法、行政、和司法三權分立的國家,所以,政府信息和出版物也可按這三大部門分為三大類。其中行政部門產生的政府信息和出版物最多!



  1. 立國之初:指定私人出版政府出版物及其寄存圖書館 

  1776年美國立國后的近百年間,國會眾議院指定私人出版商如:Gales, Seaton, Blair and Rivers出版政府信息。美國立國之初,政府出版物的發行范圍僅限政府機關和政府官員。1813年,國會立法指定國會參眾兩院所有的會議紀錄都要交給選定的大學、州政府、和歷史協會的圖書館收藏。1850年代,國會通過了若干立法,從而奠定了美國政府信息出版和寄存制度。這些法律和行動主要包括: 

   1852年:《印刷法》(Printing Act of 1852)在內政部任命了一位政府出版主管 




  2. 1860年:設立政府印刷局 

  1860年,國會通過《1860年印刷法》,“政府印刷局” (the Government Printing Office) (GPO) 建立,主要負責整合政府信息的印刷和出版。1861年3月4日, 政府印刷局局長同美國第16位總統林肯同一天宣誓就職!

  1876年,國會立法將政府出版物主管頭銜從Superintendent of Public Printing改為 Public Printer,并將該職位的提名權交給總統,而確認權歸于參議院。1887年,美國政府建立了地質出版物寄存圖書館(Geological depositories) ,1895年,建立專利出版物寄存圖書館(Patent depositories)。《1895年印刷法》(1)將“聯邦寄存圖書館辦公室“并入”政府印刷局”;(2)規定聯邦寄存圖書館所有政府出版物都要免費供公眾查閱;(3)集中出版發行以避免浪費;(4)將行政機關和軍校的圖書館列入聯邦寄存圖書館;(5)該法編入《美國法典》第44篇!

  至1895年,美國全國已有420個聯邦寄存圖書館。所有聯邦寄存圖書館必須將政府出版物納入館藏。同年,《政府出版物目錄月刊》(Monthly Catalog)的出版為圖書館和公眾對搜集和檢索政府出版物提供了很大的便利!

  1895-1903年間,政府出版物的書架編號系統(SuDocs Classification)由其圖書館員Ms. Adelaide Hasse 編成。1923年,聯邦寄存圖書制度允許聯邦寄存圖書館選收政府出版物。此舉有利與聯邦寄存圖書館按照其服務對象的需要選收政府出版物!


  3. 1930年代:出版發行《聯邦公報》和《聯邦行政法典》 

  1930年代,美國經歷經濟大蕭條,羅斯?偨y推行“新政”(NEW DEAL)。自此聯邦政府開始對美國經濟的各個領域和層面進行干預。行政命令也因此大量發布。由于當時沒有很好的行政命令的發表和出版發行制度,公眾對政府行政命令不知情,違法現象層出不窮。不久,美國最高法院針對兩個案件作出的最后裁決促使國會制定以下兩個法律 〔U.S. v. Smith, 293 U.S. 633 (1934) 和Panama Refining Co. v. Ryan, 293 U.S. 388 (1935)〕: 

   1935年:《聯邦公報法》(Federal Register Act)要求政府出版發行《聯邦公報》( Federal Register) 

   1938 年:編撰和出版《聯邦行政法典》(Code of Federal Regulations) 

  按照《聯邦公報法》和《聯邦行政法典》規定,美國聯邦行政機構如要新制定新的行政法規或修改現行行政法規,必須先在《聯邦公報》 (Federal Register)上發表,供公眾評議,確定后,要再次在《聯邦公報》上發表,最后由 《聯邦公報》辦公室(Office of Federal Register)按主題分類方式分別編入《聯邦行政法典》(Code of Federal Regulations, 其縮寫是CFR)。自1936年3月14日起《聯邦公報》每個工作日(星期一到星期五)發行一期,公眾可以在任何聯邦寄存圖書館免費閱讀。1938年,聯邦政府按主題分類的方式將當時所有有效的行政法規法典化,編纂出《聯邦行政法典》,并將之出版發行。目前,一套《聯邦行政法典》大約有200本左右,每年全套更新一次,分四個季度逐漸更新。在更新時,新法規加入,舊法規隨之被刪除!


  1) 總統文件, 如公告、行政命令 

  2) 行政法規及其他具有普遍性和規范性的文件 

  3) 行政法規規章議案(包括議案全文、提案機關的議項和聽證會通知) 

  4) 行政許可申請期限和被取消的行政許可等通知(announcements of application deadlines or license revocations) 


  1) 前言 

  2) 為什么要修訂法規 

  3) 有關部門的負責人員及其回答詢問的負責人 

  4) 相關資料出處的引注 

  5) 有關部門的相關政策 

  6) 對已受到收到的評論所作的解答 

  7) 有關部門的組織結構 

  8) 行政規章全文 

  9) 注明該行政規章將被編入《聯邦行政法典》的某部和某章節,以便引用!

  在線版(Online)http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/aces140.html ,含有自1994年出版的所以的《聯邦公報》,可免費檢索、下載!

  4. 1940-1970年代:寄存制度普及發展和《信息自由法》施行 


  1960年代,《1962年寄存法》(the Depository Act of 1962)授權建立地方性寄存圖書館。允許有選擇的寄存圖書館(selective depository libraries)僅保存所選的政府出版物不下于五年。增加國會眾議員選區內的寄存圖書館從一個到兩個!

  1966年美國國會通過《信息自由法》(the Freedom of Information Act 1966)。該法律允許任何美國公民向政府要求公布任何政府文件和信息,經美國政府審查后,如不屬國家機密,則應當公開。1966-1999年間,公眾要求政府信息公開的申請達1,965,919 件,申請處理的達 1,939,668件,因《信息自由法》而產生的政府的管理費達到$286,546,488!

  1973年,《政府出版物要覽》(Public Documents Highlights )開始發行。1977年,聯邦寄存圖書館達到1,200多個。1977年,部分政府出版物開始以微縮膠片形式發行。至1978年,部分法律圖書館加入聯邦寄存圖書館的行列,很快大多數法學院的圖書館都加入聯邦寄存圖書館以收集與法律相關的聯邦政府信息。 

  5. 1980年代后:進入電子時代 

  1988年,有些政府出版物開始以CD-ROM 形式發行。進入1990年代,因為互聯網的發展,美國國會制定《1993年加強政府印刷局電子信息開放法》(GPO Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act)以推動政府出版物的電子出版進程。該法對相關的政府出版物法律進行修改,要求政府信息以在線(online)方式傳播并建立”政府印刷局準入網站“(GPO ACCESS)at http//:www.gpoaccess.gov。很快GPO ACCESS 成為聯邦政府最大的信息和門戶網站!

  至2000年, GPO印刷或制作了多達29,000種政府出版物,包括圖書、微縮膠片、 CD-ROM;共計發行12.2百萬冊各類出版物,GPO 雇傭多達3,000個職員。GPO從過去僅滿足國會印刷需要發展成為聯邦政府(國會、法院、白宮和130個聯邦機構)出版物的印刷、裝訂、發行、與在線轉播的中心。GPO使得美國政府成為世界上最大的出版社。2002年,其共出版發行圖書30.5 百萬冊,各類政府文獻從GPO Access (http://www.gpoaccess.gov) 網站上被下載的次數達3.72 億次。  

  2002年,美國國會撥付其國家圖書館--國會圖書館(The Library of Congress)的預算為$6.278 億(國會圖書館中的法律館: $14.36百萬),撥付政府印刷局與聯邦出版物寄存圖書館制度的預算(FDLP) 為$1.26 億。 

  二. 政府印刷局〔Government Printing Office (GPO)〕 

  1. 政府印刷局的主要任務 

  美國政府印刷局的核心使命是確保美國政府信息更新和美國公眾獲得政府信息的準入(access to government information)。這一使命可以追溯到1813年國會的一項關于確保全體美國人獲得政府三大部門(立法,行政,司法)及其分支機構的工作信息的決定。這是政府印刷局代表公眾為聯邦機構履行的政府內在職能。政府印刷局負責收集,分類,制作,提供和保存所有形式聯邦政府出版的信息!

  美國政府發布很多重要信息,比如《國會記錄》(Congressional Record)和《聯邦公報》(Federal Register),這些信息都是由坐落于首都華盛頓的政府印刷局制作的。這個距離國會山僅五個街區的機構占地一百五十萬平方英尺,是世界上最大的集信息處理、印刷和發布于一身的機構。除了機構本身的制作設施以外,政府印刷局每天通過遍布全國的私營賣主采購600到1,000份印刷相關的項目。政府的大部分印刷需求都通過與美國印刷企業長期建立的合作關系來滿足!


  2. 政府印刷局的管理 

  政府印刷局的首席執行官稱為“公共印刷業者”(Public Printer),負責監管政府印刷局,出版國會、聯邦行政、和司法機構產生的信息,滿足美國大眾對政府信息的需要,同時負責日常的印刷、采購和信息傳播!

  3. 政府印刷局的職能 


  例如,政府印刷局印制了政府官方版本的《9.11調查委員會報告》,并于“9.11調查委員會”發布其報告的同一時間,即2004年7月,通過政府印刷局網站(GPO Access) 向美國公眾免費開放。通過政府印刷局的銷售網絡,民眾可以在同一個時間通過支付最低的印刷成本費從而獲得印刷版的報告。與大多數聯邦機構不同,政府印刷局的運行方式包括了商業模式,因為它的工作成本可以從消費者那里獲得補償。此外,政府印刷局也向全國參與各個國會選區聯邦寄存圖書館計劃的超過1,250家圖書館發放免費的報告復印件!

  4. “政府印刷局準入”(GPO Access) 

  “政府印刷局準入”(GPO Access)(http://www.gpoaccess.gov) 是美國政府印刷局提供的的一項旨在提供聯邦政府制作的重要信息產品免費電子準入服務。該網站提供的信息是官方版本,而且除了特別注明以外,公眾可以不受限制地使用從“政府印刷局準入”上提取的信息。這項免費服務以《1993年政府印刷局電子信息增強法案》(the Government Printing Office Electronic Information Enhancement Act of 1993)(Public Law 103-40)為依據,由聯邦寄存圖書館計劃資!

  三. 聯邦寄存圖書館制度(Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)) 

  1. 聯邦寄存圖書館制度的基本使命 


  2. 聯邦寄存制度的三項基本原則 

  除非有明文法律規定以外, (1)所有聯邦政府信息產品允許聯邦寄存圖書館收藏;(2)每個州和國會議員的選區都要設有聯邦寄存圖書館以方便民眾查閱政府信息;(3)所有聯邦政府信息,無論何出版形式,都應向公眾免費提供!病睹绹ǖ洹返44部第19章的法律規定 (U.S. Code Title 44, Ch. 19)〕!

  3. 聯邦寄存圖書館現況 


   50% 學術界的圖書館 

   20% 公共圖書館 

   11% 法律圖書室 

   19% 其他圖書館 


  1) 收藏為最后手段(Collection of Last Resort) 

  2) 傳世收藏資料數據化(Digitization of Legacy Collection) 

  3) 收藏各政府機關生產的數據化信息并向公眾提供對這些信息的檢索平臺(Harvesting of and permanent public access to agency “born digital” information) 

  4) 建立未來數據系統〔Future Digital System (FDsys)〕 

  4. 聯邦寄存圖書館的作用 


   幫助公眾準入政府信息(Provide Access for the public):包括了對政府出版物進行編目和上架,提供電腦、上網!



  5. 聯邦寄存圖書館指導委員會〔(Depository Library Council (DLC)〕 

  政府印刷局主任領導的“寄存圖書館指導委員會”(DLC) 成立于1972年,負責為與聯邦寄存圖書館制度相關的政策性事務,并提供指導。該委員會的工作重心是為印刷局主任、政府文件總管、以及政府印刷局相關工作人員提供關于如何高效管理和運作聯邦圖書館制度的實務性選擇的意見。寄存圖書基本條件: 

  ● 使公眾可以免費獲得政府出版物; 

  ● 合理維持政府出版物的出版,并使公眾得以使用; 

  ● 每兩年完成一份隔年匯報,向政府文件總管匯報所管轄的寄存圖書館情況; 

  ● 在政府出版物以外,維持一個不少于10,000本圖書的館藏系列; 

  ● 如果你的圖書館是一個由地區寄存圖書館維持的選擇性寄存圖書館,你必須把聯邦出版物保存至少五年,除非該出版物被更替或者得到政府文件總管批準; 

  ● 如果你的圖書館不是一個具有由地區性全選的寄存圖書館,而是選擇性寄存圖書館,你必須以印刷品或微縮圖像的方式永久性得保存至少一份所有政府出版物的拷貝,除非該出版物被更替或者得到政府文件總管批準。 

  ● 如果你的圖書館是一個聯邦圖書館,那么你不需要將寄存圖書保存五年。所有材料在向國會圖書館和美國檔案保管員呈報后皆可隨時隨地自由處置。丟棄此類館藏不受地區寄存圖書館管轄。 

  ● 如果你的圖書館是州最高上訴法院的圖書館,你享有以下特權: 




  ● 如果你的圖書館是地區寄存圖書館,你負有以下伴隨地區指定而來的額外職責: 





  1.政府出版物的書架編號系統(The SuDoc Call Number System) 

  政府出版物的書架編號系統(The SuDoc Call Number System,以下簡稱SuDoc)一個SuDoc號碼是由幾個要件組成的,從一般到個別,就像將數字從左讀到右。一個完整的SuDoc號碼獨一無二地對應一個出版物。第一個要件是以文件的發文單位的屬性來劃分的,例如:

Examples 例子
A Agriculture Department 農業部
C Commerce Department  商務部
D Defense Department    國防部
HH Health and Human Services Department 衛生及公共服務部
J Justice Department     司法部 
PM Office of Personnel Management  人事辦公室
SI Smithsonian Institution    史密森尼博物院  
but also還有
X For the title, Congressional Record  《國會檔案》 
Y1 and Y4 For Congress 國會
Y3 For Commissions and Councils國會各個委員會和顧問團

Y3 和Y4數字包含額外要素,從而鑒別Congressional committee 或Commission/council。額外的要素由一到兩個字母和一到兩個數字組成, 表示一個機構的名稱. 這被稱作 “cutter number.” (The Y3 and Y4 numbers carry an additional element that specifies the Congressional committee or the commission/council. This additional element consists of one or two letters and one or two numbers that represent a significant word in the agency‘s name. It’s called a “cutter number.” )例如: Examples 例
Y3.Ad9/8: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 美國政府間關系咨詢委員會
Y3.Af8: African Development Foundation 非洲發展基金會
Y3.C76/3: Consumer Product Safety Commission 消費者產品安全委員會
Y3.Ex7/3: Export-Import Bank of the United States 美國進出口銀行
Y4.Ag8/1: Agriculture Committee (House) 農業委員會(眾議院)
Y4.Ag8/3: Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee (Senate) 農業、食品和森林委員會(參議院)
Y4.Ec7: Joint Economic Committee 聯合經濟委員會
Y4.Ed8/1: Education and Workforce Committee (House) 教育和勞工委員會(眾議院)
Y4.En2: Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Senate) 能源和自然資源委員會(參議院)

  SuDoc的第二個要素代表了“部”的下屬機構或獨立機構,由3個數字和據點組成(The second element of a SuDoc number represents the subdivision of the cabinet level department or independent agency. This second element is made up of one to three digits, and is followed by a period)。如: 

Examples 例
A1. Agriculture Department農業部, publications from the department as a whole 部屬出版物 
A13. Agriculture Department, Forest Service 農業部, 林業資源管理
C3. Commerce Department, Census Bureau (商務部, 人口局 )
D201. Defense Department, Navy (國防部、海軍)
SI8. Smithsonian Institution, National Gallery of Art史密森尼博物院、國家美術館

  SuDoc的第三個要素代表了由該出版機構出版的某一類系列文獻。 “系列”在某些情形中包括了所有 “一般出版物”或 “手冊、指導”。圖書檢索號的這一部分位于分支機構后的句號與分號之間,可能由4個數字組成。需要主意的是檢索號中的句號只是一個位置劃分符號,并不具有十進制的作用。SuDoc數字中的要素組成了一個整體,而不是彼此割列的(A SuDoc number‘s third element represents a specific series of documents published by an agency. “Series” is rather loosely defined in some instances to be catch-all spots for “general publications” or “handbooks, manuals, guides.” This portion of the call number sits between the period after the department subdivision and a colon. It may contain as many as four digits. It’s important to know that the period in the call number is just a place marker, it does not represent a decimal fraction. The numbers in SuDoc number elements file as whole number integers, not as fractions.)。 


Examples that may be used with any department or agency
.1: Annual reports  年度報告
.2: General publications 一般出版物
.5: Laws 法律
.6: Regulations, rules, instructions 條例,法規,指導

(Some very large departments use one or more digits after the period to specify an additional level of the issuing agency‘s hierarchy of offices)。如: 

Examples 例
HE20.10#: President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
HE20.30#: Indian Health Service印第安健康服務部
HE20.300#: National Institutes of Health 國家衛生研究院
HE20.310#: National Cancer Institute 國家癌癥研究院

  除了上述的普通形態的出版物以外,“系列叢書”在這部分的SuDoc號碼理還通常指某一文獻系列出版物,或甚至指某一期刊(In addition to the general types of publications noted above, “series” in this part of a SuDoc number often equate to a specific bibliographic series of publications, or even a periodical title)。例如: 

Examples 例
A1.47: Agricultural statistics 農業數據
C13.22: Journal of Research of the NIST國家標準與技術研究所研究雜志
D114.19: Army Historical Series 軍史系列
I19.16: Geological Survey Professional Papers地質調查所專業論文
Y3.EL2/3:10 FEC Journal of Election Administration聯邦選舉委員會的《選舉管理雜志》
Y4.Ec7:7 Economic Indicators經濟指標

  特別要提到在SuDocY3和Y4號碼理的額外數字,這些在冒號(“:”)后面的數字表示特指的系列,即某個系列的名稱等(Note that, with the additional element in Y3. and Y4. SuDoc numbers, the element to specify a specific series falls to the right of the colon.)。The final element of a SuDoc number (usually that which follows the colon) identifies a specific title or piece of a serial publication. This part of the call number may have any one of a number of different styles.)。例如: 

Examples 例
:1997 the year for an annual publication 年度出版物的年分
:6/8 volume / number sequence  卷/號序列
:1997/10 a year / month sequence 年/月序列
:1234 a report number for publications issued in numerical order 根據數字順序排列的出版物的刊號
:Et3 a cutter number drawn from a significant title word

  2.政府出版物的編目標準(Cataloging Standards) 

  政府出版物的文獻編目標準是根據《英美編目標準,第二版》(the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition)、《國會圖書館解釋規則》(Library of Congress Rule Interpretations or LCRIs), MARC21, CONSER, 《OCLC的文獻各式和標準,第二版》(OCLC’s Bibliographic Formats and Standards, 2nd ed.)、《GPO 編目指南》(GPO Cataloging Guidelines)、和其他全國性的編目標準來制定的!


  Fixed Field Requirements: The encoding level (ELvl) must be coded K. Optional fixed fields are NOT used: Audn, Biog, Cont, LitF, Ills, and Indx. 

Variable Fields:

題標 Field Name
段落名 Status
狀態 GPO Practice
006 Additional material characters R Add to original records for electronic resources; retain in all existing and cloned records, if used as required.
007 Physical description fixed field  R OCLC does not provide for the inclusion of 007 fields in abridged-level records for paper versions of documents that are text “Type: a”. GPO does not include 007 fields in abridged-level records for electronic resources coded “Type: a” or “m.”  However, GPO does include 007 fields in abridged-level records coded “Type: g,” “Type: i” and “Type: j.” GPO also include 007 fields in abridged records coded “Type: a” for original microform (COM) and reproduction microfiche regardless of the original format. GPO retains 007 fields in all existing records, including adapted or cloned records, if used as required per MARC21. 
010 LC control no. R Include when available.
 ISBN R Use subfields “a,” “c,” & “z” as needed.
027 Standard technical report no. (STRN) O Include when included on the technical report page even if found elsewhere in a document.
034 Coded mathematical data  O Omit from original records
037 Stock number O Use subfields “a,” “b,” “c,” & “f,” if needed.  ERIC and NASA identification numbers are recorded in subfield “a” of this field. 
043 Geographic area code O Omit from original records; retain in existing & cloned records
052 Geographic classification code O Omit from original records; retain in existing & cloned records.
074 GPO item number O GPO considers mandatory for documents with item numbers assigned to them.
086 SuDocs class  GPO considers mandatory for documents with SuDocs classes assigned to them.  Incorrectly assigned SuDocs class numbers, including those appearing on microfiche headers, are recorded in subfield “z.”
088 Report number O Omit from original records; retain in existing & cloned records if used in accordance with GPO-CGs for full-level; record STRNs in 027 field even if also found outside technical report page.
099 Local free text
Call number O GPO considers mandatory for documents with SuDocs classes.
 Main entry R Use as required by AACR2; confirm all headings in the NACO authority file. Personal names that are NOT already established are recorded in AACR2 format without a name authority record being established. Corporate body and conference headings that are not already in the authority file must be established.  Only persons responsible for authoring a document may be included in the 100 field of AACR2 records.  The names of persons identified as principle investigators may be recorded in the 100 field of AACR2 records if it is clear they are the authors of a document.  Program directors are not been recorded in the 100 field unless there is definite proof that they are the primary authors of a document. 
130 Uniform title main entry O Omit from original records.  Retain if appropriately used in adapted records.
240 Uniform title O Omit from original records.  Retain if appropriately used in adapted records. 
245 Title statement and responsibility area M Use subfields “a,” “b,” “c,” “h,” “n,” & “p” as needed. GPO records the phrases such as final report, preliminary report, and similar phrases as other title information unless they are grammatically linked with the rest of the title, e.g., Final report of the….  Prepared for statements are not added recorded in new and existing records, but are retained in existing records. 
 Varying form of title R Use to record corrected titles, cover titles, added title page titles, and other titles given such prominence by typography or by other means that it is reasonable to assume that the publication is known by it or that some persons might think that it is the main title.  GPO does NOT add title added entries for to its original abridged records permutations related to titles proper as provided for in LCRI 21.30J, page 5-12. 
250 Edition statement R Use only subfield “a” in original records.  Supply edition statement for ERIC and NASA to distinguish their versions of documents from other versions, e.g., 250  [ERIC ed.] or 250 [NASA ed.].
255 Mathematical data area R For atlases only.
260 Publication, distribution, etc., area M Use subfields “a,” “b,” “c” & “g” in original records.
1.    Supply the place of publication without a question mark, e.g., [Washington, DC] if not included in the document.
2.    Record only the first publisher if it is a Federal agency.
260 Publication, distribution, etc., area (cont.) M 3.    Record the first non-Federal publisher followed by the first Federal publisher if the non-Federal publisher appears first.
4.    Record the ERIC clearinghouse involved as the 1st or 2nd publisher.
5.    Limit the number of publishers recorded in new records to two.
Retain all 260 subfields in existing records if properly included.
1.    If the number of publishers are properly recorded in an existing record is 3 or less, retain all.
2.    If more than 3 publishers are recorded in an existing record, retain only the first unless the first is not a Federal body and one or more of the other bodies are Federal bodies.
3.    If the Federal body issuing a Federal document is not named in it, supply the Federal publisher, based on the SuDocs class as follows: a) in brackets in the 260 subfield “b” if one or two publishers are already properly included; b) in a 500 note if three non-Federal bodies are properly recorded in the 260 field; or c) in the 533 subfield “c” of a reproduction microfiche.
300 Physical description M Use only subfields “a” & “e” in original records; record pagination in new records as 1 v. or 1 sheet where appropriate.  Retain explicit pagination in subfield “a” and subfields “b,” “c,” and “e” in existing & cloned records.  Do NOT include 300 fields in records for online documents.
440 Series statement, title (traced) O Use only to record established series that are traced the same.
490 Series statement, not traced or traced differently R Record established series traced differently and use 490 1 & 830. Series authority work is not required for K-level records. If series is not established, record in 490 0, untraced.  Also record variant forms of a series that are not included in its authority record in 490 0, untraced. Series that have changed their titles and have not been reestablished and series with uniform titles that are no longer appropriate per LCRI 25.5B are not considered established. See also GPO-CG, Authority Records, 5A.  
 Notes O Nearly all notes are optional for level K.  Omit most notes in original records, including description based on notes in records for multiparts, except for:
1.    Notes relative to depository distribution status, such as shipping list numbers and distribution notes.
2.    Notes indicating the edition that is being “superseded” or “reprinted.” Usually included in records for Dept. of Defense technical manuals. 
3.    Notes containing information needed for identification (e.g., “Community numbers” on flood insurance studies, “supersedes” and “reprint notes” on Dept. of Defense technical manuals).
4.    Retain notes on existing records if used correctly; add notes relative to depository distribution and those needed for identification if lacking.  Retain in existing & cloned records.
5.    Notes regarding online access and, if needed, system requirements.
6.    Notes containing the title and issue designation of individual serial issues and articles that have been reissued as separate documents, e.g., “Journal of Education, Vol. 25, No. 4.”
505 Contents note O GPO includes in collective records for multiparts if required.
506 Restrictions on access O GPO includes in all records if required.
513 Type of report and period covered O Omit on new records; retain in existing records if correctly used.
530 Other formats available
 R Use to record information regarding versions available, including online versions per instructions in GPO-CG: Linking Fields.
533 Photo-reproduction note R Use for items not originally published as microforms, i.e., microfiche reproductions. Includes publishing and distribution information on microfiche (533 subfields “b,” “c,” & “d”), physical description (533 subfield “e”), series statement for MF reproduction (533 subfield “f”), MF reproduction notes (533 subfield “n”), & serial designation (533 subfield “m”). Include the number of microfiche preceding the word “microfiche” in the 533 subfield “e” if known. Do not include the word “negative” following the word “microfiche” in new records, but retain it in existing records if appropriately used. 
536 Funding information note O Omit on new records; retain in existing records if used correctly.
538 System details
Mode of access R Use only in electronic resource records to record system requirements for electronic documents and access information for online files.
 Fixed-length data elements of reproductions O Omit from original & cloned records; retain in existing records if correctly used.
590 Local note O Required for GPO internal use.
650 Subject added entries
 O Original records: Add at least one Library of Congress Subject Heading added entry except to records for NASA documents.  New LCSH authorities are NOT established for K-level records.  Existing records & cloned records, including NASA records: Retain and correct, if necessary, all LCSH added entries if established & appropriate.  Add NASA thesaurus terms from NASA CASI records to new and existing NASA records instead of LCSH added entries.
711 Added entries  O
 All headings should be confirmed in the authority file.  1. Personal names may be used in AACR2 format without NACO work.  2. Corporate or conference headings not in file must be established to be included.  3. Non-Federal bodies appearing the publication, distribution, etc., area are NOT traced in new records.  4. Non-Federal bodies are NOT traced in “cloned” and existing records if not previously established.  5. Always make an added entry for the issuing Federal agency unless used as the main entry.  6. Include an added entry for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in records for its publications if none of its lower bodies is traced.  7. Include an added entry for the Educational Resources and Information Center in records for its publications if none of its clearinghouses or other subordinate bodies are traced.  8. Corporate bodies appearing in “prepared for” statements are NOT traced in new records and are not retained in “cloned” and existing records if not previously established. 
730  Added entry, uniform title R Omit from original records; retain in existing & cloned records if used correctly.
740 Added entry, uncontrolled materials, analytical title R Use as required by MARC21 instructions & instructions for “single record” online files.
810 Series added entry-corp. name R
 Use to record form of an established series entered under corporate body.
830  Series added entry-uniform title R
 Use to record form of an established series entered under uniform title.
856 Electronic location and access R Use subfield “u” to record GPO PURL; use subfield “3” to record material specific information and subfield “z” to record other information.

  Key to status codes: M = Mandatory(必要); R = Required if applicable or readily available(如需要,要有); O = Optional(可有可無) 

  SEE ALSO: Cataloging Priorities; Electronic Resources; Creating New OCLC Database Records; Technical Reports. 


  1. 政府文獻專業圖書館員 


  2. 政府文獻專業圖書館分會 


  ALA(美國圖書館協會):政府文獻圓桌會議(Government Document Round Table), http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/rts/godort/index.cfm 


   政府文獻分會(AALL Government Document Special Interest Section), http://www.aallnet.org/sis/gd/ 

   游說辦公室(Washington Office),http://www.aallnet.org/aallwash/ 



  1. 成立政府文獻研究分會 







  設立一個與GPO ACCESS 相似的中國政府信息準入網站,不僅提供政府部門的導航,同時提供公開發行的政府出版物及各類信息。國家圖書館應建立一個中央政府信息的導航網站,將政府在網上發布的信息進行分類和導航。國家圖書館還可以對中央政府的出版物進行編目。 



  鼓勵商業性的信息公司搜集、分類、存貯、再出版政府信息,并對政府信息提供目錄、索引、和檢索。在美國除了West,Lexis, Aspen 這些大型法律出版社將政府有關法律的信息收集、加工、分析、編輯、注釋、索引、等處理后,再出版,還有一些出版社是專門比較直接地再出版政府出版物,如Congressional Information Services(CIS國會信息出版社)以微縮膠片和電子版方式建立大型的美國國會信息資料庫(包括各種法律議案和草案文本、法律議案的可行性研究報告、專業委員會的聽證記錄和評審報告、國會議員的辯論記錄,等文獻),和Hein再版美國《國會記錄》(Congressional Record)和《聯邦行政法典》(Code of Federal Regulation)和收集出版專題的立法史料等。這些以商業盈利的出版行為,大大地方便了公眾檢索和提取政府信息和幫助人們理解和研究政府信息!


  SuDoc的第二個要素代表了“部”的下屬機構或獨立機構,由3個數字和據點組成(The second element of a SuDoc number represents the subdivision of the cabinet level department or independent agency. This second element is made up of one to three digits, and is followed by a period)。如: 

Examples 例
A1. Agriculture Department農業部, publications from the department as a whole 部屬出版物 
A13. Agriculture Department, Forest Service 農業部, 林業資源管理
C3. Commerce Department, Census Bureau (商務部, 人口局 )
D201. Defense Department, Navy (國防部、海軍)
SI8. Smithsonian Institution, National Gallery of Art史密森尼博物院、國家美術館

  SuDoc的第三個要素代表了由該出版機構出版的某一類系列文獻。 “系列”在某些情形中包括了所有 “一般出版物”或 “手冊、指導”。圖書檢索號的這一部分位于分支機構后的句號與分號之間,可能由4個數字組成。需要主意的是檢索號中的句號只是一個位置劃分符號,并不具有十進制的作用。SuDoc數字中的要素組成了一個整體,而不是彼此割列的(A SuDoc number‘s third element represents a specific series of documents published by an agency. “Series” is rather loosely defined in some instances to be catch-all spots for “general publications” or “handbooks, manuals, guides.” This portion of the call number sits between the period after the department subdivision and a colon. It may contain as many as four digits. It’s important to know that the period in the call number is just a place marker, it does not represent a decimal fraction. The numbers in SuDoc number elements file as whole number integers, not as fractions.)!


Examples that may be used with any department or agency
.1: Annual reports  年度報告
.2: General publications 一般出版物
.5: Laws 法律
.6: Regulations, rules, instructions 條例,法規,指

  一些很大的部門會在句點后使用一個或多個數字用以鑒別不同級別的出版辦公室(Some very large departments use one or more digits after the period to specify an additional level of the issuing agency‘s hierarchy of offices)。如: 

Examples 例
HE20.10#: President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
HE20.30#: Indian Health Service印第安健康服務部
HE20.300#: National Institutes of Health 國家衛生研究院
HE20.310#: National Cancer Institute 國家癌癥研究院

  除了上述的普通形態的出版物以外,“系列叢書”在這部分的SuDoc號碼理還通常指某一文獻系列出版物,或甚至指某一期刊(In addition to the general types of publications noted above, “series” in this part of a SuDoc number often equate to a specific bibliographic series of publications, or even a periodical title)。例如: 

Examples 例
A1.47: Agricultural statistics 農業數據
C13.22: Journal of Research of the NIST國家標準與技術研究所研究雜志
D114.19: Army Historical Series 軍史系列
I19.16: Geological Survey Professional Papers地質調查所專業論文
Y3.EL2/3:10 FEC Journal of Election Administration聯邦選舉委員會的《選舉管理雜志》
Y4.Ec7:7 Economic Indicators經濟指標

  特別要提到在SuDocY3和Y4號碼理的額外數字,這些在冒號(“:”)后面的數字表示特指的系列,即某個系列的名稱等(Note that, with the additional element in Y3. and Y4. SuDoc numbers, the element to specify a specific series falls to the right of the colon.)。The final element of a SuDoc number (usually that which follows the colon) identifies a specific title or piece of a serial publication. This part of the call number may have any one of a number of different styles.)。例如: 

Examples 例
:1997 the year for an annual publication 年度出版物的年分
:6/8 volume / number sequence  卷/號序列
:1997/10 a year / month sequence 年/月序列
:1234 a report number for publications issued in numerical order 根據數字順序排列的出版物的刊號
:Et3 a cutter number drawn from a significant title word 

  2.政府出版物的編目標準(Cataloging Standards) 

  政府出版物的文獻編目標準是根據《英美編目標準,第二版》(the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition)、《國會圖書館解釋規則》(Library of Congress Rule Interpretations or LCRIs), MARC21, CONSER, 《OCLC的文獻各式和標準,第二版》(OCLC’s Bibliographic Formats and Standards, 2nd ed.)、《GPO 編目指南》(GPO Cataloging Guidelines)、和其他全國性的編目標準來制定的!


  Fixed Field Requirements: The encoding level (ELvl) must be coded K. Optional fixed fields are NOT used: Audn, Biog, Cont, LitF, Ills, and Indx. 


Variable Fields:

題標 Field Name
段落名 Status
狀態 GPO Practice
006 Additional material characters R Add to original records for electronic resources; retain in all existing and cloned records, if used as required.
007 Physical description fixed field  R OCLC does not provide for the inclusion of 007 fields in abridged-level records for paper versions of documents that are text “Type: a”. GPO does not include 007 fields in abridged-level records for electronic resources coded “Type: a” or “m.”  However, GPO does include 007 fields in abridged-level records coded “Type: g,” “Type: i” and “Type: j.” GPO also include 007 fields in abridged records coded “Type: a” for original microform (COM) and reproduction microfiche regardless of the original format. GPO retains 007 fields in all existing records, including adapted or cloned records, if used as required per MARC21. 
010 LC control no. R Include when available.
 ISBN R Use subfields “a,” “c,” & “z” as needed.
027 Standard technical report no. (STRN) O Include when included on the technical report page even if found elsewhere in a document.
034 Coded mathematical data  O Omit from original records
037 Stock number O Use subfields “a,” “b,” “c,” & “f,” if needed.  ERIC and NASA identification numbers are recorded in subfield “a” of this field. 
043 Geographic area code O Omit from original records; retain in existing & cloned records
052 Geographic classification code O Omit from original records; retain in existing & cloned records.
074 GPO item number O GPO considers mandatory for documents with item numbers assigned to them.
086 SuDocs class  GPO considers mandatory for documents with SuDocs classes assigned to them.  Incorrectly assigned SuDocs class numbers, including those appearing on microfiche headers, are recorded in subfield “z.”
088 Report number O Omit from original records; retain in existing & cloned records if used in accordance with GPO-CGs for full-level; record STRNs in 027 field even if also found outside technical report page.
099 Local free text
Call number O GPO considers mandatory for documents with SuDocs classes.
 Main entry R Use as required by AACR2; confirm all headings in the NACO authority file. Personal names that are NOT already established are recorded in AACR2 format without a name authority record being established. Corporate body and conference headings that are not already in the authority file must be established.  Only persons responsible for authoring a document may be included in the 100 field of AACR2 records.  The names of persons identified as principle investigators may be recorded in the 100 field of AACR2 records if it is clear they are the authors of a document.  Program directors are not been recorded in the 100 field unless there is definite proof that they are the primary authors of a document. 
130 Uniform title main entry O Omit from original records.  Retain if appropriately used in adapted records.
240 Uniform title O Omit from original records.  Retain if appropriately used in adapted records. 
245 Title statement and responsibility area M Use subfields “a,” “b,” “c,” “h,” “n,” & “p” as needed. GPO records the phrases such as final report, preliminary report, and similar phrases as other title information unless they are grammatically linked with the rest of the title, e.g., Final report of the….  Prepared for statements are not added recorded in new and existing records, but are retained in existing records. 
 Varying form of title R Use to record corrected titles, cover titles, added title page titles, and other titles given such prominence by typography or by other means that it is reasonable to assume that the publication is known by it or that some persons might think that it is the main title.  GPO does NOT add title added entries for to its original abridged records permutations related to titles proper as provided for in LCRI 21.30J, page 5-12. 
250 Edition statement R Use only subfield “a” in original records.  Supply edition statement for ERIC and NASA to distinguish their versions of documents from other versions, e.g., 250  [ERIC ed.] or 250 [NASA ed.].
255 Mathematical data area R For atlases only.
260 Publication, distribution, etc., area M Use subfields “a,” “b,” “c” & “g” in original records.
1.    Supply the place of publication without a question mark, e.g., [Washington, DC] if not included in the document.
2.    Record only the first publisher if it is a Federal agency.
260 Publication, distribution, etc., area (cont.) M 3.    Record the first non-Federal publisher followed by the first Federal publisher if the non-Federal publisher appears first.
4.    Record the ERIC clearinghouse involved as the 1st or 2nd publisher.
5.    Limit the number of publishers recorded in new records to two.
Retain all 260 subfields in existing records if properly included.
1.    If the number of publishers are properly recorded in an existing record is 3 or less, retain all.
2.    If more than 3 publishers are recorded in an existing record, retain only the first unless the first is not a Federal body and one or more of the other bodies are Federal bodies.
3.    If the Federal body issuing a Federal document is not named in it, supply the Federal publisher, based on the SuDocs class as follows: a) in brackets in the 260 subfield “b” if one or two publishers are already properly included; b) in a 500 note if three non-Federal bodies are properly recorded in the 260 field; or c) in the 533 subfield “c” of a repr,,,,oduction microfiche.
300 Physical description M Use only subfields “a” & “e” in original records; record pagination in new records as 1 v. or 1 sheet where appropriate.  Retain explicit pagination in subfield “a” and subfields “b,” “c,” and “e” in existing & cloned records.  Do NOT include 300 fields in records for online documents.
440 Series statement, title (traced) O Use only to record established series that are traced the same.
490 Series statement, not traced or traced differently R Record established series traced differently and use 490 1 & 830. Series authority work is not required for K-level records. If series is not established, record in 490 0, untraced.  Also record variant forms of a series that are not included in its authority record in 490 0, untraced. Series that have changed their titles and have not been reestablished and series with uniform titles that are no longer appropriate per LCRI 25.5B are not considered established. See also GPO-CG, Authority Records, 5A.  
 Notes O Nearly all notes are optional for level K.  Omit most notes in original records, including description based on notes in records for multiparts, except for:
1.    Notes relative to depository distribution status, such as shipping list numbers and distribution notes.
2.    Notes indicating the edition that is being “superseded” or “reprinted.” Usually included in records for Dept. of Defense technical manuals. 
3.    Notes containing information needed for identification (e.g., “Community numbers” on flood insurance studies, “supersedes” and “reprint notes” on Dept. of Defense technical manuals).
4.    Retain notes on existing records if used correctly; add notes relative to depository distribution and those needed for identification if lacking.  Retain in existing & cloned records.
5.    Notes regarding online access and, if needed, system requirements.
6.    Notes containing the title and issue designation of individual serial issues and articles that have been reissued as separate documents, e.g., “Journal of Education, Vol. 25, No. 4.”
505 Contents note O GPO includes in collective records for multiparts if required.
506 Restrictions on access O GPO includes in all records if required.
513 Type of report and period covered O Omit on new records; retain in existing records if correctly used.
530 Other formats available
 R Use to record information regarding versions available, including online versions per instructions in GPO-CG: Linking Fields.
533 Photo-reproduction note R Use for items not originally published as microforms, i.e., microfiche reproductions. Includes publishing and distribution information on microfiche (533 subfields “b,” “c,” & “d”), physical description (533 subfield “e”), series statement for MF reproduction (533 subfield “f”), MF reproduction notes (533 subfield “n”), & serial designation (533 subfield “m”). Include the number of microfiche preceding the word “microfiche” in the 533 subfield “e” if known. Do not include the word “negative” following the word “microfiche” in new records, but retain it in existing records if appropriately used. 
536 Funding information note O Omit on new records; retain in existing records if used correctly.
538 Sys,tem details
Mode of access R Use only in electronic resource records to record system requirements for electronic documents and access information for online files.
 Fixed-length data elements of reproductions O Omit from original & cloned records; retain in existing records if correctly used.
590 Local note O Required for GPO internal use.
650 Subject added entries
 O Original records: Add at least one Library of Congress Subject Heading added entry except to records for NASA documents.  New LCSH authorities are NOT established for K-level records.  Existing records & cloned records, including NASA records: Retain and correct, if necessary, all LCSH added entries if established & appropriate.  Add NASA thesaurus terms from NASA CASI records to new and existing NASA records instead of LCSH added entries.
711 Added entries  O
 All headings should be confirmed in the authority file.  1. Personal names may be used in AACR2 format without NACO work.  2. Corporate or conference headings not in file must be established to be included.  3. Non-Federal bodies appearing the publication, distribution, etc., area are NOT traced in new records.  4. Non-Federal bodies are NOT traced in “cloned” and existing records if not previously established.  5. Always make an added entry for the issuing Federal agency unless used as the main entry.  6. Include an added entry for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in records for its publications if none of its lower bodies is traced.  7. Include an added entry for the Educational Resources and Information Center in records for its publications if none of its clearinghouses or other subordinate bodies are traced.  8. Corporate bodies appearing in “prepared for” statements are NOT traced in new records and are not retained in “cloned” and existing records if not previously established. 
730  Added entry, uniform title R Omit from original records; retain in existing & cloned records if used correctly.
740 Added entry, uncontrolled materials, analytical title R Use as required by MARC21 instructions & instructions for “single record” online files.
810 Series added entry-corp. name R
 Use to record form of an established series entered under corporate body.
830  Series added entry-uniform title R
 Use to record form of an established series entered under uniform title.
856 Electronic location and access R Use subfield “u” to record GPO PURL; use subfield “3” to record material specific information and subfield “z” to record other information.


  Key to status codes: M = Mandatory(必要); R = Required if applicable or readily available(如需要,要有); O = Optional(可有可無) 

  SEE ALSO: Cataloging Priorities; Electronic Resources; Creating New OCLC Database Records; Technical Reports. 


  1. 政府文獻專業圖書館員 


  2. 政府文獻專業圖書館分會 


  ALA(美國圖書館協會):政府文獻圓桌會議(Government Document Round Table), http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/rts/godort/index.cfm 


   政府文獻分會(AALL Government Document Special Interest Section), http://www.aallnet.org/sis/gd/ 

   游說辦公室(Washington Office),http://www.aallnet.org/aallwash/ 



  1. 成立政府文獻研究分會 







  設立一個與GPO ACCESS 相似的中國政府信息準入網站,不僅提供政府部門的導航,同時提供公開發行的政府出版物及各類信息。國家圖書館應建立一個中央政府信息的導航網站,將政府在網上發布的信息進行分類和導航。國家圖書館還可以對中央政府的出版物進行編目。 



  鼓勵商業性的信息公司搜集、分類、存貯、再出版政府信息,并對政府信息提供目錄、索引、和檢索。在美國除了West,Lexis, Aspen 這些大型法律出版社將政府有關法律的信息收集、加工、分析、編輯、注釋、索引、等處理后,再出版,還有一些出版社是專門比較直接地再出版政府出版物,如Congressional Information Services(CIS國會信息出版社)以微縮膠片和電子版方式建立大型的美國國會信息資料庫(包括各種法律議案和草案文本、法律議案的可行性研究報告、專業委員會的聽證記錄和評審報告、國會議員的辯論記錄,等文獻),和Hein再版美國《國會記錄》(Congressional Record)和《聯邦行政法典》(Code of Federal Regulation)和收集出版專題的立法史料等。這些以商業盈利的出版行為,大大地方便了公眾檢索和提取政府信息和幫助人們理解和研究政府信息。 


      首都法學網       北京市高級人民法院       中美法律信息與圖書館論壇(CAFLL)
      國家圖書館       美國法律圖書館學會(AALL)       國家檢察官學院
      中國社科院法學所圖書館       國際法律圖書館協會(IALL)       最高人民法院圖書館

主管單位:中國法學會  主辦單位:中國法學法律網合作機制 技術支持:北大英華科技有限公司(北大法寶)
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